Understand Your Living Space
We spend 65% of our time in our homes. 90% of our lives indoors. And 1/3 of our breathing is done in our bedrooms. Your Home is your Health. In a typical year you will take two million breaths in your office. By 80 we would have spent 72 years indoors. The interior building envelope is being studied by several universities across the US and abroad.
Harvard School of Healthy Building is spearheading this research. The data is opening up the commonality that human disease and our current interior air quality are being compromised by carpeting, padding, vinyl flooring, varnishes, furniture, insulation, drywall, paints, trim, doors, piping, pesticides, cabinetry, mattresses and more.
Stop living in a chemical time bomb. Come Live with Mr Hemp House™.
Had Enough? Want to Learn how to make your Home or Space Healthy and more energy efficient? CLICK HERE
Please take a moment and review the following web sites and information
Parsons School of Design Healthy Materials
Harvard University Homes for Health Full Report
Download Here:
The Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) is the primary Federal law addressing the regulation of chemicals manufactured and used in industry. There are 84,000+ chemicals in the TSCA and EPA inventory respectively. Only 200 were required to be tested. Of the 200 only 5 have been partially tested. Asbestos, pcbs, dioxin, cfcs and hexavalent chromium while thousands of other harmful chemicals are untested/ unregulated which are being used to produce products within our living interior. These internal combustible toxins are causing elevated health problems for their all its inhabitants. These interactions are causing ten's of millions of dollars in health related illnesses and treatments per year.
How do these toxins and toxicants move from the building material to our bodies? Inhalation, ingestion, or dermal absorption. Exposures can happen anytime in a products life cycle. This has to stop.
What is the solution? Healthy living. Mr Hemp House uses Hemp and other natural solutions to provide a better living breathing interior envelop. These solutions have been used in Europe for years and are now at the forefront of a new industry and market here in the US. Whether a new build or the renovation of an existing interior Mr Hemp House™ utilizes the best known natural products available providing for a safe interior envelope for years to come. The Natural Building of America is Here and Mr Hemp House™ is leading the way. Contact Us
The entire article can be found here: https://hbr.org/2020/04/what-makes-an-office-building-healthy
April 29, 2020
Excerpt from above article:
"Most importantly, at the building level, focus on improving these 9 Foundations of a Healthy Building:
These were distilled from 40 years of scientific evidence at Harvard’s Healthy Buildings lab, and improving them will serve as a long term preventative measure.
While some of these you might have expected, like better acoustics and lighting, we suspect you haven’t been thinking about how humidity, temperature, furniture, carpeting, and even dust can impact employee health — and even beyond health, performance. But consider just a small smattering of the evidence:
One study of young adults found that every 1°F deviation from an optimal indoor temperature came with a 2% decrease in output. In another study, researchers found that every time you double the rate of outdoor air delivered into an office, worker performance improves by 1.7% across four simulated office tasks: text typing, addition, proofreading, and creative thinking. It’s no surprise, then, that an analysis of sick leave data for more than 3,000 workers across 40 buildings found that 57% of all sick leave was attributable to poor ventilation.
Of course, it’s not just air quality that drives health and performance. A study of workers found that they reported more headaches and worked 6.5% more slowly on a typing test when they were in an office with a pollution source. The “pollution source” in question? A dirty carpet. The amount of indoor nature and views matter, too. Young adults in an office designed following biophilic design principles had lower blood pressure, lower heart rates, and better performance on short-term memory tests.
Making sure each foundation is up to par with our current healthy building standards is key to both stopping the spread of infectious disease, and setting up a successful workforce. *4"
Joseph G. Allen is an assistant professor and director of the Healthy Buildings program at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He is also the co-author of the recently published book, Healthy Buildings: How Indoor Spaces Drive Performance and Productivity (Harvard University Press), with John D. Macomber .
John D. Macomber is a senior lecturer in finance at Harvard Business School. He is also the co-author of the recently published book, Healthy Buildings: How Indoor Spaces Drive Performance and Productivity (Harvard University Press), with Joseph G. Allen.
PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, are highly toxic industrial compounds. Although they were banned from manufacture in the United States in 1977. PCBs are slow to break down and can persist in the environment at dangerous levels.
CFCs- any of a class of compounds of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine, typically gases used in refrigerants and aerosol propellants. They are harmful to the ozone layer in the earth's atmosphere owing to the release of chlorine atoms on exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
Hexavalent Chromium- may cause the following health effects: lung cancer in workers who breathe airborne.
Perflouranted Surfactacts- Found in ground/ drinking water. Known Carcinogenic.
Phthalates- a family of industrial chemicals used to soften PVC plastic and as solvents in cosmetics and other consumer products, can damage the liver, kidneys, lungs, and reproductive system — particularly the developing testes — according to animal studies
Polychorinated Dibenzofurans- Dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs induce a broad spectrum of toxic responses, such as loss of body mass, hepatotoxicity, immunotoxicity, epidermal changes, embryotoxicity and carcinogenicity.
References to above information:
1. https://homes.forhealth.org/whole-house/
2. https://homes.forhealth.org/bedrooms/
3. https://hbr.org/2020/04/what-makes-an-office-building-healthy
4. https://hbr.org/2020/04/what-makes-an-office-building-healthy
Image Courtesy of the Harvard School of Healthy Building Website https://homes.forhealth.org
Mr Hemp House™
Orlando, Florida
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